* おむつとビール (diaper and beer) [#t06e0728]

//ここには %項目の説明を書いてください.

Ronny KohaviがICML1998で紹介したのがおそらく最初.以下はその該当部分の引用.
- http://www.lsi.upc.edu/~bejar/apren/docum/chasm.pdf
Diapers and Beer.  Most famous example of market basket analysis for the last few years. 
If you buy diapers, you tend to buy beer. 
-T. Blischok headed Terradata’s Industry Consulting group. 
-K. Heath ran self joins in SQL (1990), trying to find two itemsets that have baby items, which 
are particularly profitable.
-Found this pattern in their data of 50 stores/90 day period.
-Unlikely to be significant, but it’s a nice example that explains associations well.

> -- しましま

**関連項目 [#z8436af8]

-[[diaper and beer]]

** リンク集 [#m6e221a5]

- http://www.kdnuggets.com/news/2000/n13/23i.html
- http://www.dssresources.com/newsletters/66.php

** 関連文献 [#b6c8918c]


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